Today, Team France covered pie dough and sweet doughs. Also know in the industry as rolled in-doughs or laminated doughs although these terms are confusing at times because there is no set rules on when and how to use them so I'm still learning this myself. Let's begin with a definition of laminated which means - alterning layers and roll-in doughs which is - "a dough in which a fat is incorporated in many layers by using a rolling and folding procedure; it is used for flaky baked goods such as croissants, puff pastry and danish".
We started our day with our pie dough that we blind baked. No seriously that's what it's called. It how you bake cream pies. You cannot place cream pies in the oven. This is the process to produce all the wonderful pastry cream pie that we all eat on Sunday dinner.
After you mix you pie dough:
1 lbs 4 oz cake flour
12 oz ap shortening
1/4 oz salt
1/2 pt ice water (egg shade)
Do not over mix - pebble size consistency. Cool in refrigerator before use.
Next, you place your pie crust into the pie pan, shape it by placing in the pan with it hanging over the edges. Then drop the pan on the counter top three times and it falls into place. Pinch of off the edges and reserve dough - do not scrunch it into a ball you will ruin the layers.
Now the pie crust is fitted perfectly into the pan. However, if you bake it in the pan alone the sides will slide down. So this is where the blind baking process comes into play. Since we don't put the pastry creme into the oven, you place baking stone or beans to fill the empty space and distributed the heat evenly until the crust is baked.
The beans are wrapped in commercial grade wrap that allow it to hold up against heat. Just ensure that is does not touch the sides of the baking pan. Also label the beans for baking only you can use them for one year. You don't want any one to use them after you have baked them.
Upon cooling down the pie shell it’s time for the pastry cream and whipped cream topping.
Pastry cream ( Creme Patisserie) formula:
1 pt. Milk
2 oz sugar stage 1 - dissolve almost to boil
2 eggs
1 ¼ oz corn starch
2 oz sugar stage 2 - whisk together until smooth paste then temper with some hot milk. Then bring the rest of the milk to boil, add the remaining egg mixture until mixture thickens remove from heat add butter and vanilla.
1 oz butter
1 tsp. vanilla
Refrigerate until needed. This pastry cream can be used as is or changed by adding chocolate Ganache to desired flavor.
10 oz semi sweet chocolate chips
2 oz unsalted butter
8 oz whipping cream
basis for all chocolate mousse
It's was a turning point for myself and my team today in the bake shop. Our skills are really starting to take form as professional bakers. Keep up the good work everyone. We have much more to learn from Chef Colley.
Next week on the menu: Croissants and Danishes - ummm good. Oh that reminds me in class we prepped our croissant dough. Then put it the freezer until next class.